Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How can something so beautiful be forgotten?

As I listen to this song I am wondering how somebody can forget how wonderful and beautiful our lives are because Jesus Christ died for us? There are so many things around us that are so amazing that nobody even wonders how that got there or even notice that it is there. I am talking to myself also, with that statement. We as American's take so many things for granted, that somebody in Africa would love to see or have. We do not relize that most of us have been blessed with good drinking water, three meals a day, clothes, or even a house to keep us safe at night.
There are other Christians around the world who have NOTHING, but yet they still give glory to God and when they do recieve they give even more glory. I don't know about you, but I want to experience that feeling. I want to go to other countries to spread the word, but we also can not forget about our own. I believe the more we spread the word the more we will see what God is doing in our lives. So once again I give this challenge when God has put somebody in front of you that you know you are supposed to talk to do it. Once again I am not only talking to others, but also myself. A few ways that we could do this would be to go on mission trips, or talk to somebody when you are in line to a movie theater or giving money to a radio station that can reach more people than we could ever think of. There are no limits to what Faith can do!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUyR4-2g68M


  1. Really makes you think

  2. Great job....seriously we have been blessed so much and take most of it for granted each day! Thanks for reminding us!!!

  3. Wow - I had no idea that you started writing a blog. I am very impressed that you are responding to what God has put on your heart. Your love for Christ is certainly shining through. Conviction is a wonderful thing and through your words it even convicts me more to step out share God's word with others.

  4. Amen and amen... we are all called to share the Word... and we should be looking for every opportunity possible... sometimes we need not say anything...people watch how we live... exactly why it's so important for us to walk with Lord and let His light shine through us. Thanks for sharing your thougths... Go tell it on the Mountain.....
