Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't Let Your Fire Burn Out!!

Has your fired burned out? Are you affraid of standing out? We all have been called in small and in big ways to tell others about Jesus. So why do we play it safe? So I challenge myself and others to stand out and give somebody a reason to believe. I know I want to, because that is the only way the lost and become found. So whenever you have a feeling that you need to talk to somebody do it, do not write it off thinking that it is not God talking to you because it is!! Don't run from it because it will only cause misery in the long run. So don't let our lights go down. STAND OUT!!! It can be done in many ways big and small. So when you are given the chance are you going to take it? This blog was inspired by the song "The Lost Get Found" by Britt Nicole.


  1. you are so right, and not only to tell others but also to pray for them! Sometimes that is the only thing you can do for them, and just let God take it from there, if they don't listen to you! Great Post

  2. Sometimes that is a fear - that we become complacent and somewhat luke warm. My prayer is for the Christian who needs to fan the flame in their hearts again so that they are on fire again for God. Once that happens then the witnessing will automatically come
