Thursday, April 22, 2010

Are you Stuck in a Routine?

How many of us do not like change? I am raising my hand up right now, are you? Change is different, it is hard to get used to and we don't always want to make the effort to change something in our lives. How many of us are Christians, but have not taken the extra step to grow even more? Well for the longest time I was one of those Christians. I was happy with my life the way it was, until I heard my favorite song "The Lost Get Found". Once I heard that song I wanted to take that extra step.
Well now I am writing this blog and I believe that this is just one way I am taking that extra step. Before I heard that song, I went to church and I listened to the sermons. Then I would go home and get ready for youth group. The rest of the week I did not grow in my faith any. I might have read my Bible here and there a few times throughout the week, but that was it. I was stuck in this routine that I put myself in. I was being lazy. I wanted to read my Bible more, but I would always tell myself I am too tired or I want to watch this show instead. I allowed other things to take control and run my life. I was just going through the motions of being a Christian.
I was a Christian, but I wasn't being the best Christian I could be, and I still think that there are many things that I can improve on and go for. After hearing that song I decided I did not want to be average, I did not want to go through the motions any longer. I want to stand out no matter what the costs are. I want to be different!! I pray that my fire will not burn out, because I believe that my life will be so much better and more meaningful if it doesn't. I know that if everybody would break out of that routine that has sucked us in, we could make our communities and maybe even our Nation a better place. It will take a lot of work, but we do not know what God's plans are. I don't know about you, but I know that I do not want to have any regrets later on in life!!
Song link:


  1. I'm really glad to hear that you are really ready to make a difference. We are going through 1Timothy on Wed. nights and we are studying what kind of Christian we are commanded to be. Teachers, Diaconate and Elders will be held accountable for their leadership on a little different level but no doubt we are all going to be held accountable to God's standards and believe me that is HIGH. We must not be Sunday Christians but our lives must show it everyday through our speach and our actions. I am even more convicted today than I was yesterday. I pray God continues to lead me and everyone else to the lost so that they too may be found. Thanks for sharing Danny.

  2. It's Satan that tells us we're too tired, or we want to do something else... that's us being self focused and not God focused. Satan knows our weaknesses and that's where he attacks... just think back over things that have happened in your life, in the past, it's easy to see hindsight...I want to be a stand out Christian too. I want to do it for the right reasons...The Lord wants each of us to have a close personal relationship with Him and the only way we can do that is to be His Word... studying His word, and applying His word...
    We can only grow as Christians when we are meeting God where He is... Thanks Danny.

  3. I know i am guilty of this as well...Satan has really made many of us feel too busy...well i am not going to let him win! We are given all that we have by God, and the grace He shows us alone should be enough to give Him all we've got! Thank you Danny for reminding i need to really go to the Lord with this and stop tring to convince myself that im okay!!! Thanks Danny.

  4. Wow,what a great assessment. I must say that I am right there also. I see God using you in powerful ways, Danny.
