Monday, April 26, 2010

The Reason Why!!!

I have had several people ask me, "what made you want to start a blog?" Well the answer is not a simple one. After hearing "The Lost Get Found" I wanted to do something that could make a difference in my life and the lives of people who I do not even know. I believe that we all have been called to spread God's word, and there are so many different ways that we can do this. Such as simply talking to people, going on mission trips, preaching, music, speaking at events, or just having a blog. I chose to use a blog, but that does not mean that I necessarily just want to do the blog. I want to do whatever God tells me to do. I already know that I want to go on a mission trip sometime. I will just do everything on God's timing. I have also had somebody ask me why do I put music on my blog. Well that answer is that music means so much to me. We can learn as much from a Christian song as we can from a preacher. So I post a song on every blog. I encourage you to listen to "The Lost Get Found" and "Walk on Water" by Britt Nicole. "The Lost Get Found'' is on my first post and "Walk on Water" is on this post.
As of right now I want to focus on this blog. I want this blog to be known around the world. I don't want just my friends and family to read this, I want strangers who I have never met to read this. A way that I am trying to do this is by sharing my blog on facebook and then hoping that somebody else will read it, and will also share it on facebook,so when their friends see the blog they will also share it. If this happens thousands of people could potentially read this blog and a spark could ignite in their hearts. One way that I know this is happening is by my poll that I have up above. Please if you have not voted on my newest poll yet, please vote so I can know about how many new people are reading my blog. If there is anything else that you want to know please do not hesitate to ask. I will answer any questions.
(Malachi 3:1) - Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple, Even the Messenger of the covenant, In whom you delight. Behold, He is coming," Says the Lord of hosts. (NKJV)
Song link:::

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Are you Stuck in a Routine?

How many of us do not like change? I am raising my hand up right now, are you? Change is different, it is hard to get used to and we don't always want to make the effort to change something in our lives. How many of us are Christians, but have not taken the extra step to grow even more? Well for the longest time I was one of those Christians. I was happy with my life the way it was, until I heard my favorite song "The Lost Get Found". Once I heard that song I wanted to take that extra step.
Well now I am writing this blog and I believe that this is just one way I am taking that extra step. Before I heard that song, I went to church and I listened to the sermons. Then I would go home and get ready for youth group. The rest of the week I did not grow in my faith any. I might have read my Bible here and there a few times throughout the week, but that was it. I was stuck in this routine that I put myself in. I was being lazy. I wanted to read my Bible more, but I would always tell myself I am too tired or I want to watch this show instead. I allowed other things to take control and run my life. I was just going through the motions of being a Christian.
I was a Christian, but I wasn't being the best Christian I could be, and I still think that there are many things that I can improve on and go for. After hearing that song I decided I did not want to be average, I did not want to go through the motions any longer. I want to stand out no matter what the costs are. I want to be different!! I pray that my fire will not burn out, because I believe that my life will be so much better and more meaningful if it doesn't. I know that if everybody would break out of that routine that has sucked us in, we could make our communities and maybe even our Nation a better place. It will take a lot of work, but we do not know what God's plans are. I don't know about you, but I know that I do not want to have any regrets later on in life!!
Song link:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How can something so beautiful be forgotten?

As I listen to this song I am wondering how somebody can forget how wonderful and beautiful our lives are because Jesus Christ died for us? There are so many things around us that are so amazing that nobody even wonders how that got there or even notice that it is there. I am talking to myself also, with that statement. We as American's take so many things for granted, that somebody in Africa would love to see or have. We do not relize that most of us have been blessed with good drinking water, three meals a day, clothes, or even a house to keep us safe at night.
There are other Christians around the world who have NOTHING, but yet they still give glory to God and when they do recieve they give even more glory. I don't know about you, but I want to experience that feeling. I want to go to other countries to spread the word, but we also can not forget about our own. I believe the more we spread the word the more we will see what God is doing in our lives. So once again I give this challenge when God has put somebody in front of you that you know you are supposed to talk to do it. Once again I am not only talking to others, but also myself. A few ways that we could do this would be to go on mission trips, or talk to somebody when you are in line to a movie theater or giving money to a radio station that can reach more people than we could ever think of. There are no limits to what Faith can do!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't Let Your Fire Burn Out!!

Has your fired burned out? Are you affraid of standing out? We all have been called in small and in big ways to tell others about Jesus. So why do we play it safe? So I challenge myself and others to stand out and give somebody a reason to believe. I know I want to, because that is the only way the lost and become found. So whenever you have a feeling that you need to talk to somebody do it, do not write it off thinking that it is not God talking to you because it is!! Don't run from it because it will only cause misery in the long run. So don't let our lights go down. STAND OUT!!! It can be done in many ways big and small. So when you are given the chance are you going to take it? This blog was inspired by the song "The Lost Get Found" by Britt Nicole.