Monday, June 21, 2010

Well done servent or depart from me I never knew you?

The last two weeks my life has been filled with happiness, joy, sorrow, pain, and eagerness.  What a combination huh! My life was filled with happiness and joy when my family and I went to Arkansas to dig for diamonds even though we found none. My heart was filled with pain and sorrow when I found out that on Friday 11th 2010 that about 40 people were washed away by a massive wall of water. My heart immediately went out to the families of the one's washed away by the incredible flood.
Most people would begin to think why? Why did this happen to me or why did my brother or sister die? Why God did you let this happen? Everything happens for a reason. It is a simple, but complicated concept to grasp. It was their time to face judgement.
After I started to think a little more I wondered if the one's who lost their lives were a follower of Jesus Christ? Did God say well done my good and faithful servant or did he say depart from me I never knew you? Are they going to be spending forever in Heaven or eternity in Hell? I pray that they were Christians and that they are in Heaven right now worshiping God!!
We can't go back in time to chance the past to help save those people. If they were not a Christian then it is too late, but if YOU are not a Christian it is not too late for you to change your life! You can give your life to Jesus and you can hear those words Well done my good and faithfull servant! Did you know that God is merciful? Did you know that he will forgive you of your sins no matter what they might be? He will wash them away!! All you have to do is repent and turn away from evil you are pushing yourself into. Sure it will take time, but as long as you keep trusting in Jesus he will help you. Are you walking blind in the darkness of sin? John 8:12 says, " I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." Do you want to see where you are walking? Accept Jesus Christ into your heart and he will light you up. He will show you the path and you will no longer will be wondering around blind. Will you choose Heaven or Hell? There is no grey area!!

Song link:


  1. WOW!! I am typing this while wiping away the tears. This certainly brought the flood back to my mind. This was a very emotional time for our family. I continue to pray for the surviving family members. This is a HUGE reminder that we do not always have a chance before we are taken out of this world to confess our love for Christ. I, too, beg each one to search your hearts and ask yourself where do you want to spend eternity. Seek His face......please Lynnae

  2. Danny,

    I enjoy reading your blogs, looking forward to getting to know you more and continuing to watch you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. Mary Jo Leisure...memaJune 21, 2010 at 2:34 PM

    Danny you have a sincere heat of love and compassion for others and particularly the lost. God is smiling and I am smiling through the tears. Love you. Continue to be strong in you faith setting an example for others to see your joy.

  4. Danny, I share your concern for others souls. I was sitting in a service many years ago before I accepted Christ as my Savior and the pastor said "Many of you are sitting here only one heartbeat away from Heaven, but many are one heartbeat away from Hell". The realization struck me that each beat is controlled by God and our soul WILL live on in one place or the other, for eternity. It brought it all into perspective for me. Your posts are very inspirational.Just continue on and He will put you in places and positions that he wants you to serve. It is not always clear at the time, but will all come together if we just look at the big picture. God Bless You.

  5. Praise the Lord for Danny sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We all need to be more vocal. Sinners are dying and going to hell and need to know that there is life beyond the grave. No sin is great that He will not forgive. I love the Lord! Thank you Jesus for taking on the sins of the world
