Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heart aches that glorify God in the end!

Have you had a heart ache that in the end glorified God? Or is that heart ache still there inside of you? Do you understand everything that God has planned for you? Well I had a heart ache and now I understand what God has planned for me through that heart ache.
On July 17th 2009, I started a relationship with a girl that would eventually bring me to my knees asking God for forgiveness and to help me through the struggle. Prior to July 17th my life with God was not as it should have been. I was a Christian, but I was not growing in the word like I wanted to. Now that I have given you a little insight of what my life was like, I will fast forward a little. After I started this "perfect" relationship with this girl my life with God halted. There was no growing, no praying, and no Bible reading. Instead there was unhealthy amounts of texting, and staying up late talking on the phone. My life revolved around this girl. In my eyes she became more important than growing in the word, praying, and Bible reading. (Which is wrong by the way).
Then sometime in October everything started to fall apart one strand at a time. We became distant and I did not understand why. Then by the end of October the relationship was over. I was completely devastated. I was never given a reason why for the way everything happened the way it did. "WHY" was my main question among many others that I constantly was asking myself. The more I thought about it the more I became depressed. I was being drug down by something that was eating me up inside. I just was no longer happy. There was not much that would excite me and I did not talk to anybody. I was hurt and there was so much pain built up inside of me and I was drowning in it. I became so overwhelmed, I did not know how I was going to get through this trial. I would talk to my youth pastor in hopes that he could help, and he did a lot! There was still that question, "why God, would you do this to me?"" Why would you put me into this relationship if you were just going to take it away?" I would sit there thinking to myself, "I wish this relationship would never have happened, It was so hard for me to understand.
Then about 5 months later something inside me changed. I began to understand why. I knew why God started and ended this relationship. I was not putting God first above all. He had to put a major trial in my life to straighten me up. The second I realized this and I handed control over to God I immediately felt better. My feeling of being overwhelmed was gone. I was able to forgive, but I will never forget what God can do if I am not pleasing to him. If that relationship never started, what would I be doing right now? Would I be writing this blog? The answer is no. God does everything for a reason. He has a plan for your life.
I wrote this blog while I was at a Christian camp. While I was there, during one of the main speaking I realized one other thing. It was that while I was hurting and crying after the relationship was over, God was there crying with me. He never hung me out to dry. He does not allow these things to happen just for the fun of it or to be mean. There is a lesson to be learned.
So right now I am asking you, do you have something that is weighing you down? Is there something that has taken over your walk with God? I know that it is hard to admit that you have placed something over God. If you need God to take control, then say a prayer asking him to take back control. Don't lose your-self like I did. If there is something in your life right now that has taken God's place than you need to rethink what is taking his place. Is it worth falling further away from God? If you are in that stage where God has taken that thing that you placed before him away from you, and you are hurting or don't understand why, it is because God has a plan for you. Now I am not saying that the second that the second that you give God control that all of that pain and hurt will go away or the situation will get better immediately. It does take some time, trust me! THERE IS A REASON FOR EVERYTHING!!!!! NOTHING is out of God's control. There is a song link below.

Song link:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Well done servent or depart from me I never knew you?

The last two weeks my life has been filled with happiness, joy, sorrow, pain, and eagerness.  What a combination huh! My life was filled with happiness and joy when my family and I went to Arkansas to dig for diamonds even though we found none. My heart was filled with pain and sorrow when I found out that on Friday 11th 2010 that about 40 people were washed away by a massive wall of water. My heart immediately went out to the families of the one's washed away by the incredible flood.
Most people would begin to think why? Why did this happen to me or why did my brother or sister die? Why God did you let this happen? Everything happens for a reason. It is a simple, but complicated concept to grasp. It was their time to face judgement.
After I started to think a little more I wondered if the one's who lost their lives were a follower of Jesus Christ? Did God say well done my good and faithful servant or did he say depart from me I never knew you? Are they going to be spending forever in Heaven or eternity in Hell? I pray that they were Christians and that they are in Heaven right now worshiping God!!
We can't go back in time to chance the past to help save those people. If they were not a Christian then it is too late, but if YOU are not a Christian it is not too late for you to change your life! You can give your life to Jesus and you can hear those words Well done my good and faithfull servant! Did you know that God is merciful? Did you know that he will forgive you of your sins no matter what they might be? He will wash them away!! All you have to do is repent and turn away from evil you are pushing yourself into. Sure it will take time, but as long as you keep trusting in Jesus he will help you. Are you walking blind in the darkness of sin? John 8:12 says, " I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." Do you want to see where you are walking? Accept Jesus Christ into your heart and he will light you up. He will show you the path and you will no longer will be wondering around blind. Will you choose Heaven or Hell? There is no grey area!!

Song link: