Sunday, December 5, 2010

Are you Drowning?

Everyday somebody and possibly many people are drowning. I don't mean drowning in water, I mean drowning in their own overwhelming thoughts. I just watched this movie called "Brothers". In this movie this man was a marine that was fighting in the war. He was held captive with several other fellow marines. They all were killed but him. The reason why he lived is because he had to murder one of his own. So he was given this pipe and commenced beating him to death. He finally was rescued by the U.S Military. He got home and he was so screwed up and his thoughts were so suffocating he took it out on his family. He had this death wish upon himself. As the police were taking him away he told his brother "I'm drowning." If you want to know the rest of the story and what the phrase "I'm drowning" means watch the movie. I promise I did not ruin the movie for you.

I want to focus on the "I'm drowning" phrase. I don't want to focus on your thoughts necessarily though, I want to focus on the spiritual drowning. First I want to ask, are you drowning? Next I want to ask do you know somebody who is drowning? I see so many people who are hurting and are just waist deep in problems. I think how can I help all of these people? The answer is I can't, because most of these problems stem deep into their lives. I can't do it alone. I know a girl who is not in a good relationship and I know she knows it, but for some reason she stays and does not get away. She is drowning in something. She claims not to be a believer. So I know right there that is the main reason. When somebody is not a believer they do not have the sense of safety or security, so people search for it. Whether they search for it in relationships, money, drugs, or stuff they will never find it unless Jesus is the center of their lives. That's why we need to be there for them to help them and to give them somebody to talk to. You never know, they may see the love of Jesus shining through.

Do you think that there is no way out or can you just not find your way out of this quagmire? Have you thought about doing things to yourself or to others? Well right now I want to encourage you not to. Can I ask, how will that help the situation? What will that prove? Can you trust your self judgment? Lets take a test to find out. Now when you read these questions it is better if you have somebody by you read them to you for it to work correctly, if you don't read them and answer quickly and don't cheat. The answer will be right after the question. Do not read the question again after you have read them once. Okay here we go.....
1.How many of each animal did Moses take into the ark? 2. What is the name of the raised print that deaf people use? 3. Is it possible to end a sentence with the word "the"? 4. Spell the word "shop." What do you do when you come to a green light? 5. It is noon. You look at he clock. The big hand is on the three. The little hand is on the five. What time is it? 6. You are the driver of a train. There are thirty people on board. At the first stop ten people get off. At the next stop five people get on and six people get off. What is the name of the train driver? ANSWERS..1-None it was Noah....2-Deaf people don't use raised print....3-The question is an example of one....4-GO....5-Noon...6-you are the driver of the train.

Now be honest how many got those answers right? When I did it I failed! The Bible warns, "He who trusts his own heart is a fool" Proverbs 28:26. This test was to show you that you can not trust your own judgment. You have to trust God not your self. If you were mistaken with something is small is it possible your beliefs in God are wrong also?

Are you drowning? Are you so wrong you know it, but you don't know how to get out? I have more homework for you read Galatians and Titus. Not much reading, but a lot of information. Are you sinking and drowning with no hope? Is God there to put his hand down and pull you out? Well what I can tell you is if you are not his then I don't know if he will? I am not saying if you are a Christian life is going to be a box of chocolates, because it wont. Life could become even harder!! The bible says there will be persecution! Will God's hand shake you and wake you? I can tell you this. If you are a believer in Christ and you are going through something God is there with you! 2 Corinthians 5:18 "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal' but the things which are not seen are eternal." (KJV)

I am not going to go through the Gospel in this article. If you need help or want to hear the Gospel send me an email. I will do my best to help you and if I don't have the answer I have friends who most likely will. My email is Don't forget your homework and to listen to the link below. The song is called "Forever" by Fireflight. Also please reply to my post of the number of questions you got correctly. If you don't want to of course that is fine and be honest with yourself.

Friday, November 12, 2010

To the "Christian"

Do you ever walk down the street and see a person who is standing there who is filthy and in scraggly clothing and think something against that person? Or have you ever been in the grocery store and seen somebody who has bad manors and is smelly and again thought or said something bad about that person? Do you know their situation? Do you know why they are smelly, dirty, or scraggly? Or do you even talk to people who don't fit into your social club, do you exclude them?

The reason why I am writing this blog is not because I heard a song and felt like I need to write about it. I am writing because something almost brought me to tears. A friend and I was witnessing with somebody and this person has gone through some trials you couldn't think of. To be honest I began to categorize this person before I really knew him. Well throughout the conversation I began to learn things and find out things about this person and his family. Then towards the end he made a comment that struck me hard. He said "They will look down on me" He was talking about us "Christians". The ones who are supposed to bring everybody in with open arms. He said we would look down on him. Do you know why he said this? That's right because he has experienced this before at other churches!! When he said that, I said to myself "I am one of those people" I look back and I see myself looking down on people because of what they are like or who they are. Do you see yourself doing that?

Aren't we supposed to strive to be like Jesus? Do you think Jesus was grossed out when he healed the 10 lepers in Luke 17:11-19? Do you think he hesitated to heal them? Did Jesus turn away anybody who needed his help? Did he say I am not going to talk to you because you aren't like me? No he didn't, so why do we do it to other people? I know in my life I don't have as much compassion as I would like to have. After hearing that statement I felt like my heart was pierced by a sword. I am no better than anybody else. I have no right to have those thoughts about anybody else! Maybe you wont get anything from this article, maybe you don't do what I just talked about, but what I do know is that we all fall short. I know that I am not perfect and I have my faults. Do I deserve Jesus anymore than these people who need the most help? The answer is no, no I do not.

 Matthew 22:39 says, "and the second is like it, You shall love your neighbour as yourself."
For this blog you have homework. Your homework is to read Matthew 25:21-46 in your bibles.

People can be all alone inside and we would never know it if we did not open our arms to these people. What if we were called to just help these people or even to just be friends with them? Can you love them for them? Or will you run at the sight of these people. I have attached a song link please, please listen to this song. This song is by JJ Heller and is called Love me.
If you have any questions or need help posting comments please email me at the email on the top right of the blog page.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Untitled Writing!

I have to admit this article has seemed to elude me for some time now. Every time I went to go write something, the words didn't come to me like they did with the others. I believe God was telling me, no don't write that, so I would erase it and start over. So I have decided to write a different type of article. It will have no specific subject other than our precious redeemer!

For some time now I have seen things in my life around me begin to change. When I say that my life is changing, I mean they are changing for the better. I have this urge to want to do more for God and I am constantly thinking about God and what he has planned for me. Of course I have not figured out exactly what he wants me to do, but what I do know is that he will reveal it to me on his own time. He has revealed so much to me in the last few weeks. It is crazy!!! Now I don't want to go into specifics right now on what he is doing in my life. I do want to ask you what is he doing in your life? Do you see a change? If you would like to share what how God is working in your life, I encourage you to comment on this article!! Your comment could be a testimony for somebody who needs encouragement or something else.

Are you a Christian? Just be honest with yourself! Are you trying to convince yourself and others that you are? Do you know that something just isn't right in your life? Tell me whether you are a believer or not. Tell me why. I will not judge you, judging is not my job. I asked a series of questions on facebook to 100 people, I got 30 replies. Question: How do you know you are a Christian? Well one answer I got was:

 "I grew up in a christian home and in a wonderful church where I was constantly taught God's Word, exposed to the truth and showed the pathway to Jesus. Shortly before my 8th birthday the light clicked on in my head as the Spirit moved in my soul - I realized that I was a sinner and I could not save myself. All those things I heard and listened to repeatedly applied to me as a child -- not just the "evil" people in the world.

In Childlike faith I prayed ask Jesus to forgive me and come into my life; to be my Savior and Lord, my Master and my Boss. Like so many others, I ran from Him; struggled against Him and His calling on my life before finally realizing and recognizing the depth of His love I surrendered all to Him.
I'm not perfect and never will be this side of heaven... BUT ... I know - He has called me, adopted me as His own, made me and heir and a part of His kingdom. The world challenges my faith constantly but I'm reminded of what I learned as a child. "Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so..."

That my friends is somebody who is a Christian, who loves God and knows that they are a sinner. If you have not read one of my articles titled "Stumbling in the Dark" please read it. It will go into more dept of what a Christian should look like and what a lost persons life will look like.

I trust God. I know that he will provide me with my needs and I know that he will be there to guide and direct me at all times. Not one time will he let go of my hand and say "you are on your own". Never will it happen. Do you trust God? Yes, No? Tell me why. Here is why I trust God. John 14:1 says, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." Romans 15:13 says, " May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (NIV) So tell me do you trust God with your entire life?

As this article comes to an end, I want to tell you that Jesus came to this earth. He was and is without sin. Not one time did he do something wrong. Can you say that you are perfect? Jesus came to this earth for one purpose, and that purpose was to die for your sin. He is paying for you, only if you have accepted him into your life. So have you truly given your life to Jesus Christ? I want you to know that if you have questions, but you don't want to make it public email me. I will do my best to answer them. If you don't have questions you just need to say something and again you don't want it to be public email me. My email is
This article will not have a song link. The song I want you to listen to is the one that should be playing when you first come into my blog. Listen to it and think about the words. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Stumbling in the Dark!

A dictionary defines darkness as: absence or deficiency of light, wickedness or evil. I want you to focus on the last three words of the definition. Now say your answer out loud are you walking in darkness? Well are you? As of right now this very instant can you honestly say that you will be in heaven when you die?

There are so many lost people in this world. I guarantee that you can not go to the grocery store without seeing somebody who isn't a Christian. It is possible that all you have to do is look into a mirror to see somebody who is lost stumbling in that darkness. Are you a CHRISTIAN OR NOT? No more playing games. I don't care if you are the most generous, kind, loving person you still may not be a Christian. I see so many people who believe that they are Christians, but their lives do not show that they are. Their lives do not produce good fruit. They aren't doing the things they say they do, instead they have a sinful nature takes over completely. In Galatians 5:16-21 it lays out what the sinful nature is and what the consequence is. Galatians 5:16-21 says, "So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law. The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and of the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live this will not inherit the kingdom of God." (NIV) Did you read carefully did you see that if this description is how you live your life then you cannot inherit the kingdom of God. If you live by the Spirit than you will have the qualities listed in Galatians 5:22-26. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." (NIV) Well do you see those qualities in your life? Can you still say you are a Christian?

Everyone someday will die and when they die they will be judged by the all mighty King. Are you prepared for what he will say to you? I can't help but think of a movie that I watched a few days ago. This teenage boy was dying of cancer I think. He made a comment to his girlfriend saying I think I believe in Heaven, so I think I will be there and I will wait for you when you come. Well I think it is safe to say that he wont be waiting there for her. He did not truly believe in the Lord God Almighty. He was deceived he thought he was going to Heaven because he was a "good person". It does not matter if you are somebody who gives money to the poor or goes to church every Sunday if you don't have Jesus in your heart. You will still go to Hell. Yes I said Hell, and you will deserve it. Technically everybody deserve Hell, but it because of the grace of God that you can be saved from that eternal suffering. Ephesians 2:4-5 says, " But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved." Ephesians 2:8-9 says, " For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast." (NIV)

Your life will be gone in a blink of an eye. Don't think you can wait until the end to decide to give your life to Jesus because it does not always work out that way. There is a love that came for you. He was nailed to the cross to pay for your sin if you turn to him. Then he rose from the grave 3 days later. Can you think of anybody who can do that? Well the answer is no because he is the truth. His truth can set you free. He is the Lord of all. Only he can save you, not some dunking in water that you did when you were a kid. God is stronger than everything. There is nothing in the world that he can not conquer. OUR GOD IS GREAT! So will you lift his name up higher and higher? Can you say and honestly in the deepest part of your heart say I trust you? Listen to him is he talking to you right now? Is he saying repent from your sins and turn around of the evil ways? Is that darkness you are in starting to brighten up? Can you finally see for the first time? If you haven't already give your life to Jesus.

Romans 3:23 says, " For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" You are a sinner.
Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." You do deserve death (Hell) because of your sin, But the gift that God has provided can save you. You can not earn this gift, but you have to reach out with an open hear and receive it.
Romans 10:13 says, " For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." That is self explanatory, but you have to be sure that you really mean it.
Romans 10:9-10 says, " That if you confess with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." (NIV)

Are you still stumbling in the dark? Is that where you really want to be? Don't forget what the word darkness means.

Song link:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

When The Light Meets The Dark!

Some of us will spend all of our lives building these walls up that wont let anything good into their lives. These people may or may not be Christians. Are you one of those people who has a wall standing to keep something in or to keep something or someone out? Do you have secrets or addictions that you are hiding? Do you have TRUE happiness? So many people take more effort than it is worth to hide their secrets and problems. Now if you are holding something in that is breaking you on the inside answer these questions. Why? Do you not trust God? Do you think you can handle it yourself? Are you even a believer?

Every single day you will pass by somebody who has no happiness or has some problem that they are hiding from the world. One day it will surface and you will know those people, but it may be too late. Do you know anybody like that? I do and it honestly kills me to see this person like this. It is our job as Christians to help these people even if they are or are not a believer. If they aren't a believer then they need our help even more. We need to show them that there is an alternative to their unhappiness.

Now I am going to do something different. I am going to add a song link in the middle of the blog that goes with it. This band is not Christian, please remember that. This song does misuse the Lord's name. So if you choose not to listen that is fine.This song is just an example that I am using for this article. On a side note they use the word (Lithium) so I want to explain it. Lithium is a drug used for people who are bipolar. It calms them and makes them temporarily happy. If you choose to listen please do so before reading on. This song is called Lithium by Evanescence,

It is depressing isn't it? Well people rely on things like lithium to make them happy temporarily, to stay out of depression or just to stay "happy" period. Do you know what those lyrics are saying? Let me explain them. The first verse talks about how she is being locked up inside and that she doesn't want to know how it feels to be without her crutch (Lithium). Then she says that she wants to stay in love with her sorrow. It is almost like she is saying that she is afraid of being happy? Then she says she wants to let it go. So what does she want!!! I will tell you what she is looking for. She is looking for God and she doesn't know it! She knows she needs help, but she does not know how to get the help. She says she does not want to be alone. HELLO if you have not caught on by now God is always with us! He will never leave nor forsake us if we are a follower of him! She is crying out. Towards the end of the song there is a glimmer of hope, but then if comes crashing down pulling her back to where she was and that is the end of the song. THERE WAS NOBODY THERE TO HELP HER!!!! Nobody to help guide her to tell her about God and what he has to offer!

If you are reading this and you have an addictions, problems, depression, etc.... what is your Lithium? Is your lithium alcohol, drugs, food, or anything that you obsessively do to make you feel happy? There is nothing in this world that can make you truly happy, no drug, person, or happy thought. ONLY God can show you true happiness and believe me it is amazing what you will feel. Just repent from your sins and turn to him and lay down your problems down before his feet Trust in the Lord. Guys this is where the light meets the dark and the healing begins. That darkness does not have to control you, it can be swallowed up by the light of God! Once you have decided to let the light in the dark will began to vanish and you will be overcome with the light.
Proverbs 3:5-8 says, " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones." (NIV)
Proverbs 28:26 says, " He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe." (NIV)
Are you trusting in your self to overcome this addiction, problem, or depression? If you are then you will find out how hard it will be to do so without God there helping you along. God will help. He will put you on the path that is straight instead of the one that goes in circles and goes nowhere. Just something to consider. If you need to talk to somebody, then talk! They will listen.

Now to the believer don't you think that we should maybe help somebody who may need it? Now I am not saying that we all should be counselors because that would be chaos, but we should help guide and show by our lives what they are missing out on. If you know somebody like this, maybe you should take the extra step and talk to them. I guess it is up to you but remember, when you get the chance will you take it? Will you take that chance to help somebody? I am going to put another song link on here and this one goes to a Christian song that talks about this article. Listen to it.
Song link:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heart aches that glorify God in the end!

Have you had a heart ache that in the end glorified God? Or is that heart ache still there inside of you? Do you understand everything that God has planned for you? Well I had a heart ache and now I understand what God has planned for me through that heart ache.
On July 17th 2009, I started a relationship with a girl that would eventually bring me to my knees asking God for forgiveness and to help me through the struggle. Prior to July 17th my life with God was not as it should have been. I was a Christian, but I was not growing in the word like I wanted to. Now that I have given you a little insight of what my life was like, I will fast forward a little. After I started this "perfect" relationship with this girl my life with God halted. There was no growing, no praying, and no Bible reading. Instead there was unhealthy amounts of texting, and staying up late talking on the phone. My life revolved around this girl. In my eyes she became more important than growing in the word, praying, and Bible reading. (Which is wrong by the way).
Then sometime in October everything started to fall apart one strand at a time. We became distant and I did not understand why. Then by the end of October the relationship was over. I was completely devastated. I was never given a reason why for the way everything happened the way it did. "WHY" was my main question among many others that I constantly was asking myself. The more I thought about it the more I became depressed. I was being drug down by something that was eating me up inside. I just was no longer happy. There was not much that would excite me and I did not talk to anybody. I was hurt and there was so much pain built up inside of me and I was drowning in it. I became so overwhelmed, I did not know how I was going to get through this trial. I would talk to my youth pastor in hopes that he could help, and he did a lot! There was still that question, "why God, would you do this to me?"" Why would you put me into this relationship if you were just going to take it away?" I would sit there thinking to myself, "I wish this relationship would never have happened, It was so hard for me to understand.
Then about 5 months later something inside me changed. I began to understand why. I knew why God started and ended this relationship. I was not putting God first above all. He had to put a major trial in my life to straighten me up. The second I realized this and I handed control over to God I immediately felt better. My feeling of being overwhelmed was gone. I was able to forgive, but I will never forget what God can do if I am not pleasing to him. If that relationship never started, what would I be doing right now? Would I be writing this blog? The answer is no. God does everything for a reason. He has a plan for your life.
I wrote this blog while I was at a Christian camp. While I was there, during one of the main speaking I realized one other thing. It was that while I was hurting and crying after the relationship was over, God was there crying with me. He never hung me out to dry. He does not allow these things to happen just for the fun of it or to be mean. There is a lesson to be learned.
So right now I am asking you, do you have something that is weighing you down? Is there something that has taken over your walk with God? I know that it is hard to admit that you have placed something over God. If you need God to take control, then say a prayer asking him to take back control. Don't lose your-self like I did. If there is something in your life right now that has taken God's place than you need to rethink what is taking his place. Is it worth falling further away from God? If you are in that stage where God has taken that thing that you placed before him away from you, and you are hurting or don't understand why, it is because God has a plan for you. Now I am not saying that the second that the second that you give God control that all of that pain and hurt will go away or the situation will get better immediately. It does take some time, trust me! THERE IS A REASON FOR EVERYTHING!!!!! NOTHING is out of God's control. There is a song link below.

Song link:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Well done servent or depart from me I never knew you?

The last two weeks my life has been filled with happiness, joy, sorrow, pain, and eagerness.  What a combination huh! My life was filled with happiness and joy when my family and I went to Arkansas to dig for diamonds even though we found none. My heart was filled with pain and sorrow when I found out that on Friday 11th 2010 that about 40 people were washed away by a massive wall of water. My heart immediately went out to the families of the one's washed away by the incredible flood.
Most people would begin to think why? Why did this happen to me or why did my brother or sister die? Why God did you let this happen? Everything happens for a reason. It is a simple, but complicated concept to grasp. It was their time to face judgement.
After I started to think a little more I wondered if the one's who lost their lives were a follower of Jesus Christ? Did God say well done my good and faithful servant or did he say depart from me I never knew you? Are they going to be spending forever in Heaven or eternity in Hell? I pray that they were Christians and that they are in Heaven right now worshiping God!!
We can't go back in time to chance the past to help save those people. If they were not a Christian then it is too late, but if YOU are not a Christian it is not too late for you to change your life! You can give your life to Jesus and you can hear those words Well done my good and faithfull servant! Did you know that God is merciful? Did you know that he will forgive you of your sins no matter what they might be? He will wash them away!! All you have to do is repent and turn away from evil you are pushing yourself into. Sure it will take time, but as long as you keep trusting in Jesus he will help you. Are you walking blind in the darkness of sin? John 8:12 says, " I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." Do you want to see where you are walking? Accept Jesus Christ into your heart and he will light you up. He will show you the path and you will no longer will be wondering around blind. Will you choose Heaven or Hell? There is no grey area!!

Song link:

Monday, May 31, 2010

Jesus Is Calling You!!!

YOU AND I ARE SINNERS!!! I bet that some of you do not like to be called a sinner, but guess what everybody is a sinner and they will always be a sinner!! Nobody is perfect. Some of you who are reading this are Christians, some of you think that they are Christians and aren't, and some of you are not Christians and you know it. I do not know your heart, but God does. The one that that truly separates us from one another is that the Christians will enter the Kingdom of Heaven while the non Christians will be in anguish in the Lake of Fire. Acts 10:43 says, "All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name." (NIV) The only way that we could have been forgiven of our sins is through the sacrifice of Jesus. He died for your sins. Do you care that he died for your sins? I hope so because if not then Hell is waiting for you! 1 Peter 2:24 says, "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you  have been healed
Once you have given your life to Jesus and have repented (change in ways) your burdens should be lifted and no longer should weigh you down. Sing to Jesus. He has forgiven you of your sins, there is no need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Don't be afraid to grow in the Word of the Lord. Everybody falls short of the glory of God. So when you do fall short, fall on Jesus and don't give up. He will bring you back and guide you to where you need to be.
Do you think that being a Christian will be easy? Well you are wrong! When you begin to fill lonely, when you are being persecuted, or when you fill like there is just no way out of a temptation, cry to Jesus and keep on living. Everything happens for a reason and God will not give you more than you can handle. If you are being persecuted Mattew 5:11-12 says, "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the phrophets who were before you." As for being tempted to sin 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. and god is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

Are you a Christian? Do you think you are a Christian but really aren't? Do you know you are not a Christian? Are you going to Heaven or are you going to Hell? Have you taken your chance yet? Do you even want to take that chance? Well if you don't want to take that chance, take it anyways. DO NOT hesitate to take your chance to tell somebody about Jesus. Who cares if they call you names or tell you that you are stupid. Do it for the glory of GOD!! For the people who are not Christians, have you read any of the other articles I have written and you did not take your chance to email me? Well here is your chance, you can email me and I can have somebody get a hold of you through email or by phone. My email is
Take this chance, don't let it pass you by.

Song link:

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Next Chapter!

In one day my life will change, I will be graduating high school. It will be a new beginning to the next temporary chapter in my life. I have had several other new beginnings in my life, such as when I was 10, years old and I gave my life to Jesus Christ. That day I started a chapter in my life that will go on for eternity. I will carry on writing that chapter long after my physical body is dead and my spiritual body is in the presence God.
Everybody is writing a spiritual chapter that will be written for eternity. Are you writing your chapter over your love for God or are you writing a chapter on wickedness and a love for the World? Think about that question as you keep reading.
The 1st of the 10 commandments says, "you shall have no other God's before me." This is simple, do you believe in any other god's other and the one true God? Such as Buddha, Islam, and Hindu? If you do believe in any other god than the Lord, then you ARE NOT a Christian. There is only ONE GOD!!
The 2nd of the 10 commandments says, "you shall not make for yourself an idol." How many of you have placed something in front of God? Is there something you believe to be more important than him? How about money, is money what you focus on all the time? How can you be the best Christian you can be if there is something that is more important in you life other than God? Just something to think about.
The 3rd of the 10 commandments says "you shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name." Do you misuse the Lords name? Do you think that it is okay so say his name in that way?
The 6th of the 10 commandments says "you shall not murder." Well I would hope most of you have not killed anybody, but did you know that saying you hate somebody is just has bad as killing somebody? In 1 John 3:15 it says "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.
The 7th of the 10 commandments says "you shall not commit adultery." You say well I have never cheated on my spouse or I have never had premarital sex so I have not committed adultery. Did you know that just lusting over a man or woman you have just committed adultery? Matthew 5:28 says, "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery." So have you changed your mind? Have you committed adultery?
Are you thinking, have I committed any of these sins? Well I have good news for you. Did you know that if you repent of your sins (to make a complete change) God will forgive you? If you are not a Christian you just have to ask Jesus Christ into your heart. Cry out to him and ask him to take control of your life! Do not live another minute of uncertainty. Is your chapter writing about you living for God or is it writing about you living like the world. Will you be writing your spiritual chapter in Heaven or will it be in Hell? Gods love for you is indescribable. All you need to do is open your heart and let God come into it. Let him shine is light on you so you can see clearly. I know if you let him in your life could be so much happier.

song link:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Baccalaureate speech

I just want to say that prayer has so much more power than we can even imagine. All day I prayed to God asking that he take away my nervousness. I knew if I was as nervous as I was all day when I went to that podium then my speech would have no impact at all and it would be pointless. Literally 1 minute before I was going to speak, I went completely calm. I was an awesome feeling. So here is the speech.

“ Don’t let your lights go down, Don’t let your fire burn out, cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe. Why don’t you rise up now, Don’t be afraid to stand out, that’s how the lost get found.”

For the last several weeks God has diverted my life down a road that I never thought I would travel, due to my fears. Then something put a crack in those fears, that something is a song called “The Lost Get Found” by Britt Nicole. After hearing that song I decided that I wanted to do something different with my life, and that I wanted to stand out and step out.

All my life I have been raised in a Christian home and I have been going to church, but I have never wanted to spread God’s word like I do right now. My earthly fears are what has held me back all this time. I would think to myself “ what if they completely rejected me” or “ will they think I am just some Christian who is trying to convert people to my religion.” I never realized that it does not matter what they think, and now rejection would just give me more will power to keep spreading the Word of God.

I have had this urge to do something to tell others about the love of God. So I have started a blog that focuses on standing out and spreading God’s Word. It shows God’s love through a few of the articles that I have written and through music that is playing while people are reading. But I don’t want to stop there. I want to go up to somebody who I feel led to talk to. I want to go on a mission trip somewhere, maybe Africa I don’t know yet, wherever God tells me to go. I want to make a difference in this world.

Every Christian is given the chance to witness to somebody, but not every Christian will take that chance. I don’t want to miss the chances that will be given to me. I will never be afraid to witness to somebody, but I will still probably be a little nervous like I am right now.

As I am standing here, I see my family, my friends, and the family of my friends; I have this strong feeling that I need to share something with some of you. I don’t know the hearts of anybody in this room, but my. I don’t know if you are a Christian or not, I don’t know exactly how all of you are living your lives, But what I do know is that some of you do need to turn your lives around, and that some of you have something missing from your lives.

That something is Jesus. Have YOU accepted Jesus Christ into your life yet? Examine your heart right now. How are you living your life? Are you doing what is pleasing to God? Are you living day after day following Jesus or are you following the world? You can’t live like the world and be a Christian at the same time, and if you are following the world then maybe you should reevaluate your salvation. Is Jesus Lord of your life?

I want to tell you right now, it is not too late to give up your old life and start a new one. It is not too late to ask Jesus into your heart. If you need to talk to somebody there are several pastors and youth pastors who are here right now who would be more than willing to talk to you after this service or you could even give them a call in a day or so. I encourage you, if you are feeling any conviction in your heart right now to do so. Don’t let that feeling go away, without you doing something about it.

As my speech comes to an end, I want my fellow classmates to know that once you leave this high school, you are going to be hit with the temptations from the world. You are going to be forced to start your life. You will have important decisions to make, do you want to make those decisions blindly or do you want God to have his hands over you guiding you, so you can make the correct decisions. You can not live a truly happy life without him in your life. I want all of you to reach your goals, but I want you to reach your goals while knowing your place in life and where you will be going after this life is over. So if and when you get the chance will you take it?

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Reason Why!!!

I have had several people ask me, "what made you want to start a blog?" Well the answer is not a simple one. After hearing "The Lost Get Found" I wanted to do something that could make a difference in my life and the lives of people who I do not even know. I believe that we all have been called to spread God's word, and there are so many different ways that we can do this. Such as simply talking to people, going on mission trips, preaching, music, speaking at events, or just having a blog. I chose to use a blog, but that does not mean that I necessarily just want to do the blog. I want to do whatever God tells me to do. I already know that I want to go on a mission trip sometime. I will just do everything on God's timing. I have also had somebody ask me why do I put music on my blog. Well that answer is that music means so much to me. We can learn as much from a Christian song as we can from a preacher. So I post a song on every blog. I encourage you to listen to "The Lost Get Found" and "Walk on Water" by Britt Nicole. "The Lost Get Found'' is on my first post and "Walk on Water" is on this post.
As of right now I want to focus on this blog. I want this blog to be known around the world. I don't want just my friends and family to read this, I want strangers who I have never met to read this. A way that I am trying to do this is by sharing my blog on facebook and then hoping that somebody else will read it, and will also share it on facebook,so when their friends see the blog they will also share it. If this happens thousands of people could potentially read this blog and a spark could ignite in their hearts. One way that I know this is happening is by my poll that I have up above. Please if you have not voted on my newest poll yet, please vote so I can know about how many new people are reading my blog. If there is anything else that you want to know please do not hesitate to ask. I will answer any questions.
(Malachi 3:1) - Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple, Even the Messenger of the covenant, In whom you delight. Behold, He is coming," Says the Lord of hosts. (NKJV)
Song link:::

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Are you Stuck in a Routine?

How many of us do not like change? I am raising my hand up right now, are you? Change is different, it is hard to get used to and we don't always want to make the effort to change something in our lives. How many of us are Christians, but have not taken the extra step to grow even more? Well for the longest time I was one of those Christians. I was happy with my life the way it was, until I heard my favorite song "The Lost Get Found". Once I heard that song I wanted to take that extra step.
Well now I am writing this blog and I believe that this is just one way I am taking that extra step. Before I heard that song, I went to church and I listened to the sermons. Then I would go home and get ready for youth group. The rest of the week I did not grow in my faith any. I might have read my Bible here and there a few times throughout the week, but that was it. I was stuck in this routine that I put myself in. I was being lazy. I wanted to read my Bible more, but I would always tell myself I am too tired or I want to watch this show instead. I allowed other things to take control and run my life. I was just going through the motions of being a Christian.
I was a Christian, but I wasn't being the best Christian I could be, and I still think that there are many things that I can improve on and go for. After hearing that song I decided I did not want to be average, I did not want to go through the motions any longer. I want to stand out no matter what the costs are. I want to be different!! I pray that my fire will not burn out, because I believe that my life will be so much better and more meaningful if it doesn't. I know that if everybody would break out of that routine that has sucked us in, we could make our communities and maybe even our Nation a better place. It will take a lot of work, but we do not know what God's plans are. I don't know about you, but I know that I do not want to have any regrets later on in life!!
Song link:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How can something so beautiful be forgotten?

As I listen to this song I am wondering how somebody can forget how wonderful and beautiful our lives are because Jesus Christ died for us? There are so many things around us that are so amazing that nobody even wonders how that got there or even notice that it is there. I am talking to myself also, with that statement. We as American's take so many things for granted, that somebody in Africa would love to see or have. We do not relize that most of us have been blessed with good drinking water, three meals a day, clothes, or even a house to keep us safe at night.
There are other Christians around the world who have NOTHING, but yet they still give glory to God and when they do recieve they give even more glory. I don't know about you, but I want to experience that feeling. I want to go to other countries to spread the word, but we also can not forget about our own. I believe the more we spread the word the more we will see what God is doing in our lives. So once again I give this challenge when God has put somebody in front of you that you know you are supposed to talk to do it. Once again I am not only talking to others, but also myself. A few ways that we could do this would be to go on mission trips, or talk to somebody when you are in line to a movie theater or giving money to a radio station that can reach more people than we could ever think of. There are no limits to what Faith can do!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't Let Your Fire Burn Out!!

Has your fired burned out? Are you affraid of standing out? We all have been called in small and in big ways to tell others about Jesus. So why do we play it safe? So I challenge myself and others to stand out and give somebody a reason to believe. I know I want to, because that is the only way the lost and become found. So whenever you have a feeling that you need to talk to somebody do it, do not write it off thinking that it is not God talking to you because it is!! Don't run from it because it will only cause misery in the long run. So don't let our lights go down. STAND OUT!!! It can be done in many ways big and small. So when you are given the chance are you going to take it? This blog was inspired by the song "The Lost Get Found" by Britt Nicole.