Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What happened to perfection?

26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in our image, according to our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 29 Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to everything that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so. 31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (NASB)

Right there it can be seen that Adam was perfect. He had no imperfections and nothing that would hinder his health. How nice it would be if famine, disease, death, pain, and crime did not exist. Can you imagine what the world would be like if the world were still perfect? Why is the world no longer perfect? Why do death, pain, and crime exist? What if I were to say it is YOUR fault that death, pain, and crime are present today? Would you agree with me? Are you willing to take the blame for the world being so messed up?

In Genesis 1 the bible tells us that God made Adam and Eve and He called them "good" or "perfect." They were at one time perfect before God's eyes. They did no wrong and did not sin one time! Then in Genesis the world would be forever changed. Sometime after God created Adam and Eve, they willingly chose to disobey God and eat of the fruit that they were told specifically not to eat from in Genesis 2. This was the start of all corruption and degeneration. Humans now are on a downward slope to never return to perfection here on earth. All humans are condemned to Hell because of Adam's sin, because of Adam we too have a sin nature.

Some might say it is unfair to be condemned to Hell because of Adam's stupidity. Is it really unfair? Let's go back to grade school when the teacher said no talking. Naturally somebody always had to be rebellious and say something to see what the teacher would do. When the teachers says everybody will be missing recess because you failed to listen to my instruction, the whole class gets upset because it is unfair to miss recess when only one person talked. When the student spoke they became the representative for the whole class, just as Adam was our representative. Adam was chosen by God to start the human race. From the point of the fall of man, every person born will now be born without perfection and will continue to degrade and become more corrupt.

As humans we are stepping further away from the Garden of Eden every day and most aren’t looking back. How can we be getting further away from perfection? Let’s take a battery as an example. A car battery starts out perfect; it works well and starts the car every time the key is turned. Well as time goes on that battery begins to leak or just isn’t as strong as it used to be. Every time the battery is recharged it gets a little weaker until that one cold morning when it is time to go to work the car won’t start because the battery is dead. Humans are similar to this. As time goes on we walk further away from perfection because we degrade as time goes on, we lose sight of what once was. The desire to do the right and moral things are rarely present in most people. We are close to being dead like that battery in the cold morning. People are getting further away from perfection because they don't have that conviction to stop walking further away.

This month January 2014 Colorado became the first state to allow the commercial sale of marijuana. As of 2014 there are 17 States with legal gay marriage and 33 States with same-sex marriage bans. For some time now every state has allowed abortion mandated by federal law. It scares me to think that one day my future kids will be in a world where there will be very few morals and so many temptations. There is only one way to fix this and that is for Christians in this country to stand up and speak openly about what is right and wrong. Will we "win" this fight absolutely not, but we can still make a difference. There can still be a massive revival, but there can't be a revival if we sit and wait for it to happen. If we are going to give those dead batteries some life we are going to have to speak to those who are "dead." I am not saying you have to go out and yell on the streets or have to witness to every person you see on the street corner. Although those are great way to get the Word out they aren't the only ways. I for one use work as my way to reach those. My wedding ring has Hebrew on it so when I was a teller at a bank people would see that and ask if I was Jewish, I would say no I am Christian and believe it or not almost everybody would ask the difference so I would simply tell them and not one of those people walked away without knowing who Christ was. I would see those same people daily so I was able to slip it back into conversation from time to time. That method takes longer because I am not able to share everything at once, but it can be effective. Little things make a huge impact later on down the line.

As Christians we are no longer like that dying car battery. We have Christ as our battery and He will never leak, degrade, or die. We will always be sustained, but we aren't immune to walking further away from perfection. So because we are not immune we have to be on guard and walk toward perfection not away from it. Christian stand up for what is right even if it is not popular to do so, because without YOU standing up the future of this world is very bleak. Those who are not saved will continue to walk away from perfection and ultimatley walk straight into Hell, unless we are there spread the Word of God for those who are willing to listen.