Thursday, April 28, 2011

Never Eat or Drink Again? AWESOME!!

John 6:35 says, "Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." (NAS)

Okay let’s break this down a little bit. You might be thinking how is this possible? How can we never hunger or thirst? We can also see this in John 4:10, 13, and 14. You can look there for parallel verses that also talk about the living water and the bread of life.

In that age bread was a major source of food for the people. It is what they relied on to sustain them for food. We can see this also in our day in age, but with more meat and junk food. The bread of life that Jesus is talking about here is not physical food, but the body of Jesus. If we take part in the bread of life that would mean that we are eating spiritual food for our soul. We get that spiritual food from reading God's Word. This also does not mean that we will never hunger for physical food because we all know that we will. This portion of the verse I am the bread of life; he who comes to me will not hunger is indicating that if we have Jesus to feed this spiritual food then we will not be hungering for anything else in this world. The void that we have in our lives will be filled and we will be complete. To give an example if we have this bread of life then we would not want things of this earth to control us such as money and passion of the heart.

Now let’s take a look at the next portion of this verse, he who believes in me will never thirst. Again this is not a physical thirst that Jesus is talking about. This portion of the scripture is parallel to the previous clause and means the same, the living water and the bread of life being separate metaphors for one thing only, Jesus Christ. Another place in the Bible we see this is as I mentioned above John 4:14. "but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."

Now if you know that you have not taken part of this bread of life and you are still hungering for things of this world listen up. Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Everybody dies, but not everybody will die a death and then go to Hell. If you know you do not have the bread of life YOU ARE GOING TO HELL! You cannot escape it, and you will not be able to talk God into letting you go to Heaven. There is only one way to Heaven and that is through Jesus Christ! The gift of God is FREE! To receive this free gift you must repent of your sins and to turn away from them. Throw them behind you and run from them. Turn to God and let Him guide your life and let Him be in control and do not resist! You must believe in the one true God and nothing else this world tells you to believe. John 14:6 says, Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." Jesus is the only way to the Father in Heaven. Without Jesus you have nothing. You must hand your life over to Him.

If you need to talk to somebody send I an email and I will talk with you. If you want to know more about Jesus and how to accept Him into your life again send me an email and I will tell you. If you want a Bible and you do not have one send me an email and I WILL send one to you. If you live in another country and you need a Bible, just tell me and I will send one to you. I will not leave you with an excuse not to have one. You can email me at

Please if you are not a Christian the time for salvation is today. Do not wait and say I will do it later in life because you never know when it is your time to face judgment. You can pass from this earth anytime. Your time could be in five minutes. Don’t waste any more time living for the world. LIVE FOR JESUS!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Have you found what you are looking for?

Salvation, peace, and hope are the three things that everybody in this world wants. How do we obtain these desired components? Well honestly there is only ONE way to receive this. I will go through this, but first you need to know something about yourself. Where are you? I don't mean physically, I mean where are you in your relationship with God? Are you right next to him or are you as far away as you possibly can be? Are you born again? If you are that is great, but you must know; just because you went forward after some sermon or at church camp and got baptized a week later, does not mean you are a Christian. That does not save you! Do you get it? God did not say go to the front of the church and say I am a Christian now and that is your ticket to Heaven. Were you sprinkled as a baby? Did you know that when that was done, you were not destined for Heaven? Again baptism does not save you. So now you may be asking how do I become born again, well I am glad you asked.

2 Corinthians 6:2 says," for he says, " At the acceptable time I listened to you, and on the day of salvation I helped you." Behold, now is the day of salvation.(NASB)" Did you see what that says? Today is the day of salvation! You need to give your life to Christ. You need to actually hand you life to Christ and say do with me what you will. That isn't all, no where close. You need to repent of your sin. That's right I am talking to YOU. Repent. Turn away from them, do not go back to them. See those sins as poison, because they are poison. They will lead to to destruction and Hell. You will go to Hell if you do not REPENT and TRUST the Lord God Almighty! You must place your faith in Christ and only Christ! If you do this you will be forgiven of your sins, and you will spend eternity in Heaven worshiping the one and only God.

Jesus is God's son born of the virgin Mary. He was sent to this earth to live a human life just like us. He went through the same trials as us, but yet he sinned not one time. He was and is perfect. He did not come to this earth to live he came to die! He came to die for any person who gives their life to Him and turns from their sin. He lived 33 years when he was betrayed by his own people. He was sentenced to death on a cross. He was beaten beyond description. He was nailed to the cross by his hands and his feet. Can you even imagine the pain? Then there was a crown of thorns placed upon his head. The ones that placed Jesus there on the cross are the ones who as far as we know did not repent and trust. Are you one of those people? If you have not given your life to Jesus, then I am sorry to say you are on of those people. Even the Christians at one time have been one of those people. Christians have turned their lives to Jesus to worship and honor him and not to persecute him.

Are you a sinner? Well of course you are! Lets see what sins you have committed. I am just going to list a few. Coveting, lying, stealing, having idols such as money, having other gods besides the one and only, not honoring your father and mother, using the Lord's name as a curse word, adultery which consists of cheating on your spouse, lusting after another man or women, sex outside of marriage, murder which also consist of saying you hate somebody, same sex relationships, anything that you do illegally "unless it goes against the Bible". Those are just a few. Have you committed any of those? If you say no, I don't think you are being honest with yourselves. Please watch this video. I in no way take credit for this video. (Let the video load for about 1 minute or so before you watch it.)

Now that you have watched the video I will answer my statement. How do we obtain salvation, peace, and hope. Well I think that we just covered salvation. Peace and Hope come from trusting in Jesus Christ. He becomes your savior. When he is placed first in your life you receive peace and hope. That does not mean that you will have an easy life. You will be persecuted and you will have trials. You may not have money, I don't know what the situation could be, but what I do know is that if you have that faith in Jesus Christ that he will save you and keep you then nothing else matters. Who cares if you lose your job because you are a Christian and who cares if you are made fun of or worse. Christ is all that matters. That is how you have peace and hope. Jesus Christ is peace and hope, but he is also continually giving peace and hope. You can not receive it by your own works. No matter what you do in life besides giving your life to Jesus will make you happy.

Now for those you don't care and say Hell will be a big party. Well you think that for now and do all your partying now, because once you parish that party will end it will not continue. You will be in more pain than you can imagine. You will be screaming in agony constantly. Matthew 13:50 says, "and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (NASB)" If that doesnt scare you then I don't know what will. I am warning you that if you reject Jesus Christ then you are on your way to Hell. Please watch this next video. I dare you. (Again I do not take credit for this video and please let it load for about 1 minute or more.)

Now that you have seen this video. I am making an offer to you. If you need somebody to talk to, I am here. Email me. My email is in the top right hand of the page. If you say well I don't have a Bible to read, send me an email. I will send one to you. If you want to know more. Email me I will help. I will not leave you with an excuse. God has called me to do this, so I am. I am here for you. So who are you? Have you found what is missing in your life?