Sunday, December 5, 2010

Are you Drowning?

Everyday somebody and possibly many people are drowning. I don't mean drowning in water, I mean drowning in their own overwhelming thoughts. I just watched this movie called "Brothers". In this movie this man was a marine that was fighting in the war. He was held captive with several other fellow marines. They all were killed but him. The reason why he lived is because he had to murder one of his own. So he was given this pipe and commenced beating him to death. He finally was rescued by the U.S Military. He got home and he was so screwed up and his thoughts were so suffocating he took it out on his family. He had this death wish upon himself. As the police were taking him away he told his brother "I'm drowning." If you want to know the rest of the story and what the phrase "I'm drowning" means watch the movie. I promise I did not ruin the movie for you.

I want to focus on the "I'm drowning" phrase. I don't want to focus on your thoughts necessarily though, I want to focus on the spiritual drowning. First I want to ask, are you drowning? Next I want to ask do you know somebody who is drowning? I see so many people who are hurting and are just waist deep in problems. I think how can I help all of these people? The answer is I can't, because most of these problems stem deep into their lives. I can't do it alone. I know a girl who is not in a good relationship and I know she knows it, but for some reason she stays and does not get away. She is drowning in something. She claims not to be a believer. So I know right there that is the main reason. When somebody is not a believer they do not have the sense of safety or security, so people search for it. Whether they search for it in relationships, money, drugs, or stuff they will never find it unless Jesus is the center of their lives. That's why we need to be there for them to help them and to give them somebody to talk to. You never know, they may see the love of Jesus shining through.

Do you think that there is no way out or can you just not find your way out of this quagmire? Have you thought about doing things to yourself or to others? Well right now I want to encourage you not to. Can I ask, how will that help the situation? What will that prove? Can you trust your self judgment? Lets take a test to find out. Now when you read these questions it is better if you have somebody by you read them to you for it to work correctly, if you don't read them and answer quickly and don't cheat. The answer will be right after the question. Do not read the question again after you have read them once. Okay here we go.....
1.How many of each animal did Moses take into the ark? 2. What is the name of the raised print that deaf people use? 3. Is it possible to end a sentence with the word "the"? 4. Spell the word "shop." What do you do when you come to a green light? 5. It is noon. You look at he clock. The big hand is on the three. The little hand is on the five. What time is it? 6. You are the driver of a train. There are thirty people on board. At the first stop ten people get off. At the next stop five people get on and six people get off. What is the name of the train driver? ANSWERS..1-None it was Noah....2-Deaf people don't use raised print....3-The question is an example of one....4-GO....5-Noon...6-you are the driver of the train.

Now be honest how many got those answers right? When I did it I failed! The Bible warns, "He who trusts his own heart is a fool" Proverbs 28:26. This test was to show you that you can not trust your own judgment. You have to trust God not your self. If you were mistaken with something is small is it possible your beliefs in God are wrong also?

Are you drowning? Are you so wrong you know it, but you don't know how to get out? I have more homework for you read Galatians and Titus. Not much reading, but a lot of information. Are you sinking and drowning with no hope? Is God there to put his hand down and pull you out? Well what I can tell you is if you are not his then I don't know if he will? I am not saying if you are a Christian life is going to be a box of chocolates, because it wont. Life could become even harder!! The bible says there will be persecution! Will God's hand shake you and wake you? I can tell you this. If you are a believer in Christ and you are going through something God is there with you! 2 Corinthians 5:18 "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal' but the things which are not seen are eternal." (KJV)

I am not going to go through the Gospel in this article. If you need help or want to hear the Gospel send me an email. I will do my best to help you and if I don't have the answer I have friends who most likely will. My email is Don't forget your homework and to listen to the link below. The song is called "Forever" by Fireflight. Also please reply to my post of the number of questions you got correctly. If you don't want to of course that is fine and be honest with yourself.