Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Untitled Writing!

I have to admit this article has seemed to elude me for some time now. Every time I went to go write something, the words didn't come to me like they did with the others. I believe God was telling me, no don't write that, so I would erase it and start over. So I have decided to write a different type of article. It will have no specific subject other than our precious redeemer!

For some time now I have seen things in my life around me begin to change. When I say that my life is changing, I mean they are changing for the better. I have this urge to want to do more for God and I am constantly thinking about God and what he has planned for me. Of course I have not figured out exactly what he wants me to do, but what I do know is that he will reveal it to me on his own time. He has revealed so much to me in the last few weeks. It is crazy!!! Now I don't want to go into specifics right now on what he is doing in my life. I do want to ask you what is he doing in your life? Do you see a change? If you would like to share what how God is working in your life, I encourage you to comment on this article!! Your comment could be a testimony for somebody who needs encouragement or something else.

Are you a Christian? Just be honest with yourself! Are you trying to convince yourself and others that you are? Do you know that something just isn't right in your life? Tell me whether you are a believer or not. Tell me why. I will not judge you, judging is not my job. I asked a series of questions on facebook to 100 people, I got 30 replies. Question: How do you know you are a Christian? Well one answer I got was:

 "I grew up in a christian home and in a wonderful church where I was constantly taught God's Word, exposed to the truth and showed the pathway to Jesus. Shortly before my 8th birthday the light clicked on in my head as the Spirit moved in my soul - I realized that I was a sinner and I could not save myself. All those things I heard and listened to repeatedly applied to me as a child -- not just the "evil" people in the world.

In Childlike faith I prayed ask Jesus to forgive me and come into my life; to be my Savior and Lord, my Master and my Boss. Like so many others, I ran from Him; struggled against Him and His calling on my life before finally realizing and recognizing the depth of His love I surrendered all to Him.
I'm not perfect and never will be this side of heaven... BUT ... I know - He has called me, adopted me as His own, made me and heir and a part of His kingdom. The world challenges my faith constantly but I'm reminded of what I learned as a child. "Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so..."

That my friends is somebody who is a Christian, who loves God and knows that they are a sinner. If you have not read one of my articles titled "Stumbling in the Dark" please read it. It will go into more dept of what a Christian should look like and what a lost persons life will look like.

I trust God. I know that he will provide me with my needs and I know that he will be there to guide and direct me at all times. Not one time will he let go of my hand and say "you are on your own". Never will it happen. Do you trust God? Yes, No? Tell me why. Here is why I trust God. John 14:1 says, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." Romans 15:13 says, " May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (NIV) So tell me do you trust God with your entire life?

As this article comes to an end, I want to tell you that Jesus came to this earth. He was and is without sin. Not one time did he do something wrong. Can you say that you are perfect? Jesus came to this earth for one purpose, and that purpose was to die for your sin. He is paying for you, only if you have accepted him into your life. So have you truly given your life to Jesus Christ? I want you to know that if you have questions, but you don't want to make it public email me. I will do my best to answer them. If you don't have questions you just need to say something and again you don't want it to be public email me. My email is
This article will not have a song link. The song I want you to listen to is the one that should be playing when you first come into my blog. Listen to it and think about the words. Thanks for reading.