Sunday, July 11, 2010

When The Light Meets The Dark!

Some of us will spend all of our lives building these walls up that wont let anything good into their lives. These people may or may not be Christians. Are you one of those people who has a wall standing to keep something in or to keep something or someone out? Do you have secrets or addictions that you are hiding? Do you have TRUE happiness? So many people take more effort than it is worth to hide their secrets and problems. Now if you are holding something in that is breaking you on the inside answer these questions. Why? Do you not trust God? Do you think you can handle it yourself? Are you even a believer?

Every single day you will pass by somebody who has no happiness or has some problem that they are hiding from the world. One day it will surface and you will know those people, but it may be too late. Do you know anybody like that? I do and it honestly kills me to see this person like this. It is our job as Christians to help these people even if they are or are not a believer. If they aren't a believer then they need our help even more. We need to show them that there is an alternative to their unhappiness.

Now I am going to do something different. I am going to add a song link in the middle of the blog that goes with it. This band is not Christian, please remember that. This song does misuse the Lord's name. So if you choose not to listen that is fine.This song is just an example that I am using for this article. On a side note they use the word (Lithium) so I want to explain it. Lithium is a drug used for people who are bipolar. It calms them and makes them temporarily happy. If you choose to listen please do so before reading on. This song is called Lithium by Evanescence,

It is depressing isn't it? Well people rely on things like lithium to make them happy temporarily, to stay out of depression or just to stay "happy" period. Do you know what those lyrics are saying? Let me explain them. The first verse talks about how she is being locked up inside and that she doesn't want to know how it feels to be without her crutch (Lithium). Then she says that she wants to stay in love with her sorrow. It is almost like she is saying that she is afraid of being happy? Then she says she wants to let it go. So what does she want!!! I will tell you what she is looking for. She is looking for God and she doesn't know it! She knows she needs help, but she does not know how to get the help. She says she does not want to be alone. HELLO if you have not caught on by now God is always with us! He will never leave nor forsake us if we are a follower of him! She is crying out. Towards the end of the song there is a glimmer of hope, but then if comes crashing down pulling her back to where she was and that is the end of the song. THERE WAS NOBODY THERE TO HELP HER!!!! Nobody to help guide her to tell her about God and what he has to offer!

If you are reading this and you have an addictions, problems, depression, etc.... what is your Lithium? Is your lithium alcohol, drugs, food, or anything that you obsessively do to make you feel happy? There is nothing in this world that can make you truly happy, no drug, person, or happy thought. ONLY God can show you true happiness and believe me it is amazing what you will feel. Just repent from your sins and turn to him and lay down your problems down before his feet Trust in the Lord. Guys this is where the light meets the dark and the healing begins. That darkness does not have to control you, it can be swallowed up by the light of God! Once you have decided to let the light in the dark will began to vanish and you will be overcome with the light.
Proverbs 3:5-8 says, " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones." (NIV)
Proverbs 28:26 says, " He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe." (NIV)
Are you trusting in your self to overcome this addiction, problem, or depression? If you are then you will find out how hard it will be to do so without God there helping you along. God will help. He will put you on the path that is straight instead of the one that goes in circles and goes nowhere. Just something to consider. If you need to talk to somebody, then talk! They will listen.

Now to the believer don't you think that we should maybe help somebody who may need it? Now I am not saying that we all should be counselors because that would be chaos, but we should help guide and show by our lives what they are missing out on. If you know somebody like this, maybe you should take the extra step and talk to them. I guess it is up to you but remember, when you get the chance will you take it? Will you take that chance to help somebody? I am going to put another song link on here and this one goes to a Christian song that talks about this article. Listen to it.
Song link: