Monday, May 31, 2010

Jesus Is Calling You!!!

YOU AND I ARE SINNERS!!! I bet that some of you do not like to be called a sinner, but guess what everybody is a sinner and they will always be a sinner!! Nobody is perfect. Some of you who are reading this are Christians, some of you think that they are Christians and aren't, and some of you are not Christians and you know it. I do not know your heart, but God does. The one that that truly separates us from one another is that the Christians will enter the Kingdom of Heaven while the non Christians will be in anguish in the Lake of Fire. Acts 10:43 says, "All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name." (NIV) The only way that we could have been forgiven of our sins is through the sacrifice of Jesus. He died for your sins. Do you care that he died for your sins? I hope so because if not then Hell is waiting for you! 1 Peter 2:24 says, "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you  have been healed
Once you have given your life to Jesus and have repented (change in ways) your burdens should be lifted and no longer should weigh you down. Sing to Jesus. He has forgiven you of your sins, there is no need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Don't be afraid to grow in the Word of the Lord. Everybody falls short of the glory of God. So when you do fall short, fall on Jesus and don't give up. He will bring you back and guide you to where you need to be.
Do you think that being a Christian will be easy? Well you are wrong! When you begin to fill lonely, when you are being persecuted, or when you fill like there is just no way out of a temptation, cry to Jesus and keep on living. Everything happens for a reason and God will not give you more than you can handle. If you are being persecuted Mattew 5:11-12 says, "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the phrophets who were before you." As for being tempted to sin 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. and god is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

Are you a Christian? Do you think you are a Christian but really aren't? Do you know you are not a Christian? Are you going to Heaven or are you going to Hell? Have you taken your chance yet? Do you even want to take that chance? Well if you don't want to take that chance, take it anyways. DO NOT hesitate to take your chance to tell somebody about Jesus. Who cares if they call you names or tell you that you are stupid. Do it for the glory of GOD!! For the people who are not Christians, have you read any of the other articles I have written and you did not take your chance to email me? Well here is your chance, you can email me and I can have somebody get a hold of you through email or by phone. My email is
Take this chance, don't let it pass you by.

Song link:

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Next Chapter!

In one day my life will change, I will be graduating high school. It will be a new beginning to the next temporary chapter in my life. I have had several other new beginnings in my life, such as when I was 10, years old and I gave my life to Jesus Christ. That day I started a chapter in my life that will go on for eternity. I will carry on writing that chapter long after my physical body is dead and my spiritual body is in the presence God.
Everybody is writing a spiritual chapter that will be written for eternity. Are you writing your chapter over your love for God or are you writing a chapter on wickedness and a love for the World? Think about that question as you keep reading.
The 1st of the 10 commandments says, "you shall have no other God's before me." This is simple, do you believe in any other god's other and the one true God? Such as Buddha, Islam, and Hindu? If you do believe in any other god than the Lord, then you ARE NOT a Christian. There is only ONE GOD!!
The 2nd of the 10 commandments says, "you shall not make for yourself an idol." How many of you have placed something in front of God? Is there something you believe to be more important than him? How about money, is money what you focus on all the time? How can you be the best Christian you can be if there is something that is more important in you life other than God? Just something to think about.
The 3rd of the 10 commandments says "you shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name." Do you misuse the Lords name? Do you think that it is okay so say his name in that way?
The 6th of the 10 commandments says "you shall not murder." Well I would hope most of you have not killed anybody, but did you know that saying you hate somebody is just has bad as killing somebody? In 1 John 3:15 it says "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.
The 7th of the 10 commandments says "you shall not commit adultery." You say well I have never cheated on my spouse or I have never had premarital sex so I have not committed adultery. Did you know that just lusting over a man or woman you have just committed adultery? Matthew 5:28 says, "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery." So have you changed your mind? Have you committed adultery?
Are you thinking, have I committed any of these sins? Well I have good news for you. Did you know that if you repent of your sins (to make a complete change) God will forgive you? If you are not a Christian you just have to ask Jesus Christ into your heart. Cry out to him and ask him to take control of your life! Do not live another minute of uncertainty. Is your chapter writing about you living for God or is it writing about you living like the world. Will you be writing your spiritual chapter in Heaven or will it be in Hell? Gods love for you is indescribable. All you need to do is open your heart and let God come into it. Let him shine is light on you so you can see clearly. I know if you let him in your life could be so much happier.

song link:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Baccalaureate speech

I just want to say that prayer has so much more power than we can even imagine. All day I prayed to God asking that he take away my nervousness. I knew if I was as nervous as I was all day when I went to that podium then my speech would have no impact at all and it would be pointless. Literally 1 minute before I was going to speak, I went completely calm. I was an awesome feeling. So here is the speech.

“ Don’t let your lights go down, Don’t let your fire burn out, cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe. Why don’t you rise up now, Don’t be afraid to stand out, that’s how the lost get found.”

For the last several weeks God has diverted my life down a road that I never thought I would travel, due to my fears. Then something put a crack in those fears, that something is a song called “The Lost Get Found” by Britt Nicole. After hearing that song I decided that I wanted to do something different with my life, and that I wanted to stand out and step out.

All my life I have been raised in a Christian home and I have been going to church, but I have never wanted to spread God’s word like I do right now. My earthly fears are what has held me back all this time. I would think to myself “ what if they completely rejected me” or “ will they think I am just some Christian who is trying to convert people to my religion.” I never realized that it does not matter what they think, and now rejection would just give me more will power to keep spreading the Word of God.

I have had this urge to do something to tell others about the love of God. So I have started a blog that focuses on standing out and spreading God’s Word. It shows God’s love through a few of the articles that I have written and through music that is playing while people are reading. But I don’t want to stop there. I want to go up to somebody who I feel led to talk to. I want to go on a mission trip somewhere, maybe Africa I don’t know yet, wherever God tells me to go. I want to make a difference in this world.

Every Christian is given the chance to witness to somebody, but not every Christian will take that chance. I don’t want to miss the chances that will be given to me. I will never be afraid to witness to somebody, but I will still probably be a little nervous like I am right now.

As I am standing here, I see my family, my friends, and the family of my friends; I have this strong feeling that I need to share something with some of you. I don’t know the hearts of anybody in this room, but my. I don’t know if you are a Christian or not, I don’t know exactly how all of you are living your lives, But what I do know is that some of you do need to turn your lives around, and that some of you have something missing from your lives.

That something is Jesus. Have YOU accepted Jesus Christ into your life yet? Examine your heart right now. How are you living your life? Are you doing what is pleasing to God? Are you living day after day following Jesus or are you following the world? You can’t live like the world and be a Christian at the same time, and if you are following the world then maybe you should reevaluate your salvation. Is Jesus Lord of your life?

I want to tell you right now, it is not too late to give up your old life and start a new one. It is not too late to ask Jesus into your heart. If you need to talk to somebody there are several pastors and youth pastors who are here right now who would be more than willing to talk to you after this service or you could even give them a call in a day or so. I encourage you, if you are feeling any conviction in your heart right now to do so. Don’t let that feeling go away, without you doing something about it.

As my speech comes to an end, I want my fellow classmates to know that once you leave this high school, you are going to be hit with the temptations from the world. You are going to be forced to start your life. You will have important decisions to make, do you want to make those decisions blindly or do you want God to have his hands over you guiding you, so you can make the correct decisions. You can not live a truly happy life without him in your life. I want all of you to reach your goals, but I want you to reach your goals while knowing your place in life and where you will be going after this life is over. So if and when you get the chance will you take it?